While many users choose to play Call of Duty Warzone on Xbox or Playstation, a massive influx of users have continued to draw to the title from a PC userbase. With the increase of PC players comes the...
Tag Archives : warzone
Warzone Battle Royale
Call of Duty’s Warzone Battle Royale isn’t the first entry into the Battle Royale genre by any means. In fact it’s predated by numerous titles of varying success including PUBG, Fort...
Shroud Warzone Settings
Many times, watching popular streamers and competitive gamers can be daunting given their sheer skill and success. However, many times it can help to improve your performance by mimicking many of thei...
COD Warzone Lag
Nothing’s quite so frustrating as jumping into some gaming and experiencing major COD Warzone Lag. While there are many reasons this could occur, we’ve got some quick tips that might help ...
Warzone PC Download
So you’re ready to get on the bandwagon and rack up some kills and get some wins in Call of Duty’s latest Battle Royale, Warzone? Even better, you’ve decided to play on PC for some o...
Reddit Call of Duty Warzone
Call of Duty Warzone has been a massive success since it’s release in late 2019. With that success has come several patches, updates, news and changes as is the case with any gaming title. One o...
Is Warzone Free?
Gone are the days of Triple A gaming titles always coming with a $60 pricetag +more in DLC and addons. Recently, publishers have realized that they can garner a much wider audience by changing their b...
Warzone Review
There’s no doubt that Call of Duty’s latest Battle Royale release, Warzone, has continued to dominate the gaming scene through the end of 2019 and 2020. With several seasons under our belt...
Warzone PC
PC Players have been the foundation of Call of Duty from the first title release several years ago. With that said, over the years the player counts for Call of Duty have waned on PC in favor of Xbox ...
Warzone Crossplay
Call of Duty’s Warzone has released with a flurry of new features, guns, skins and more. With the release of Warzone, however, publisher Activision unveiled true, warzone crossplay for users on ...