Warzone Leaks

Many times Call of Duty Warzone leaks are intentionally sent into the wild by the publisher and staff, at other times they are datamined by players and modders with years experience working with and digging into the core Call of Duty data files available. Here’s a few of the best places we’ve found to get the juiciest Warzone leaks available.


Modern Warzone: Modern Warzone has a good assortment of leaks, verified info and upcoming rumors for Activision’s Call of Duty Warzone title.

Charlie Intel: A longtime proponent of Call of Duty News, Rumors and leaks, Charlie Intel has some great info on warzone leaks as they hit the web.

CODWarzone: Reddit: Reddit has always been one of the best ways to stay up to date with some unbiased reporting of some significant warzone leaks.


Whether you are scouring the web for the latest leaks or cracking heads in Verdansk, make sure you get PAID for every single kill you rack up in Warzone and other top gaming titles! Get started today with PlayerRush to climb the leaderboard, flex your skills and come out on top!

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